Featured Papers
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Voskobiynyk, Y., J.R. Roth, J.N. Cochran, T. Rush, N.V.N. Carullo, J.S. Mesina, M. Waqas, R.M. Vollmer, J.J. Day, L.L. McMahon, and E.D. Roberson. (2020). Alzheimer’s disease risk gene BIN1 induces Tau-dependent network hyperexcitability. eLife 10.7554/eLife.57354.
Arrant, A.E., J.R. Roth, N.R. Boyle, S.N. Kashyap, M.Q. Hoffmann, C.F. Murchison, E.M. Ramos, A.L. Nana, S. Spina, L.T. Grinberg, B.L. Miller, W.W. Seeley, and E.D. Roberson. (2019). Impaired β-glucocerebrosidase activity and processing in frontotemporal dementia due to progranulin mutations. Acta Neuropathol. Commun. 7:218
Dean, H.B., E.D. Roberson, and Y. Song. (2019). Neurodegenerative Disease–Associated Variants in TREM2 Destabilize the Apical Ligand-Binding Region of the Immunoglobulin Domain. Front. Neurol. DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01252.
A.E. Arrant, V.C. Onyilo, D.E. Unger, and E.D. Roberson. (2018). J. Neurosci. 38:2341–2358.
Commentary in Nat. Rev. Neurology
Hall, A.M., B.T. Throesch, S.C. Buckingham, S.J. Markwardt, Y. Peng, Q. Wang, D.A. Hoffman, and E.D. Roberson. (2015). Tau-dependent Kv4.2 depletion and dendritic hyperexcitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. J. Neurosci. 35:6221–6230
Warmus, B.A., D.R. Sekar, E. McCutchen, G.D. Schellenberg, R.C. Roberts, L.L. McMahon, and E.D. Roberson. (2014). J. Neurosci. 34:16482–16495.
Roberson, E.D., K. Scearce-Levie, J.J. Palop, F. Yan, I. Cheng, T. Wu, H. Gerstein, G.-Q. Yu, and L. Mucke. (2007). Science 316:750–754.
Commentary in N. Engl. J. Med.
Commentary in Nat. Rev. Neurosci.
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